Robinson Overlook Celebrates Grand Opening
Columbia, MD
On Tuesday, August 31st, Harkins celebrated the grand opening of Robinson Overlook in Columbia, MD. Over 30 guests arrived for a formal program, followed by a ceremonial ribbon cutting, tours, and boxed lunch.
Located off Grace Drive in the Kings Contrivance neighborhood, the affordable community is made up of five, three-and-a-half story wood frame buildings. Buildings feature back-to-back stacked units made up of eight one-bedroom, 19 two-bedroom, and 21 three-bedroom rental properties, with three UFAS units and two units for those who are hearing and visually impaired. The ground floor consists of single-level units with one-and-a-half and two-and-a-half-level townhouse-style units stacked above. Amenities include a 1,500 sf leasing office with a computer lab and a community room with a kitchenette. The property offers surface parking, a playground area, ornamental fencing to separate it from the adjacent single-family home, and an accessible sidewalk to reach nearby public transportation. The exterior features brick veneer, fiber cement lap and shake siding, and pitched shingle roofs. The property is excited to announce that 26 of the 48 units have been leased to residents.