Howard County Courthouse Team Cements its Connection to the Community
Since the onset of COVID-19, most businesses have been implementing telecommuting and other social distancing protocols, but there are others such as restaurants and entertainment venues that have had to close their doors. Additionally, small independent contractors, cleaning crews, prep cooks, wait staff, merchandise stockers, and ticket takers at event venues are facing a major financial hardship. Established by Edgemoor-Star America Judicial Partners (ESJP) through the Community Foundation of Howard County, the Howard County COVID-19 Relief Fund is a donor-advised charity that will support local non-profit organizations in providing financial relief to those who have been adversely affected by the pandemic.
Along with Clark Construction Group, Hellmuth Obatz & Kassabaum (HOK), and Johnson Controls, Harkins has partnered with the Howard County Courthouse development team in donating to the growing $38,600 contribution. We couldn’t be prouder of our team’s commitment to improving the lives of those in our community.