committed to
exceptional careers
Our development framework allows for each employee to grow through a multifaceted approach. By strengthening our individual skills, we can evolve into a better team because we know the success of our company is dependent on each individual member.

tuition reimbursement

Harkins University and leadership programs

valued over outside hires
Building a knowledge baseOrientation, onboarding, virtual learning, and on-the-job training
OrientationStart your first day with everything you need to know to hit the ground running in your new career
OnboardingYour first 90 days will be spent training and building relationships with your team
Virtual learningWith an extensive video library and virtual classes, training is available when YOU need it
On-the-job trainingLearn by doing through hands-on training that will continue throughout your career with Harkins
Strengthening your foundation
Harkins UniversityWith more than 100 live classes each year, Harkins offers enrichment opportunities for both your career and personal development
Shadow opportunities/rotationsHarkins supports shadow opportunities and rotations to increase your knowledge to make you a more well-rounded employee
Tuition reimbursementHarkins offers 100% tuition reimbursement for you to complete a degree or pursue advanced education
Certification supportWe support you to obtain and maintain all certifications including OSHA 30, CPR & First Aid, Erosion and Sediment Control, and more
Blueprint for success
Personalized Development PlansCreate a personal development plan to give you direction and purpose while working towards goals with the support of your team
Career Paths and Potential for Career GrowthHaving a defined career path is critical for individual success. At Harkins, we work with you to create your path and the steps to move forward
Ongoing feedbackTransparency between you and your manager creates an environment of resource sharing and continuous performance improvement
CoachingHarkins’ coaching culture will support you to learn new skills and become an even greater asset to the company in the way YOU want to be
Learning to lead
Memberships/Professional AffiliationsHarkins’ employees are affiliated with over 140 professional groups, creating enormous opportunity for you to learn from industry experts
MentoringWith a mentoring program for new hires, you will be partnered with someone who acts as your guide, confidant, and support system
Leadership developmentHarkins has developed several unique programs to build our emerging leaders, polish skillsets, and leverage important relationships throughout the company