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60 Corporate Center

Columbia, MD

building our future headquarters

We like to say that we build our projects as though our own families are going to live or work there. Little did we know when we built this office building for The Rouse Company that it would later become our corporate home. This six-story, structural steel office building provides 118,000 gsf of office space in the heart of Columbia, MD, and is now owned and managed by the Howard Hughes Corporation. In 2018, Howard Hughes engaged the Harkins Commercial Group to modernize the lobby.

The Rouse Company
DNC Architects, Inc.
119,190 gsf
Structural Steel

The building has a concrete foundation, metal deck and concrete floor system, glass and metal panel exterior and a VAV mechanical system. It is adjacent to the Parkside office building and parking garage, which were also built by Harkins.

How Harkins Made a Difference
  • Harkins took a partnership approach with Rouse’s representative, Bill Rowe, to expedite the construction process and deliver the building on time and under budget.
  • Harkins took a leadership role in coordinating the installation of the elevators, which were a new kind of equipment manufactured in Korea. Our subcontractor, client, and manufacturer’s representative were all brought together by the Harkins team to effectively communicate, solve problems, and successfully install the three new systems.
Awards & Certifications

ABC Metro Baltimore
Commercial ($5-$20 million) – Excellence in Construction

let's build something exceptional.